The Adventures of Jelly Bean
I hope you will give THE ADVENTURES OF JELLY BEAN (vol. 1) a try. I know you will enjoy her story, and also that it can lead to some interesting and valuable discussions.
My book is currently available for order from:
The Further Adventures of Jelly Bean
She has to decide how to deal with these dilemmas and more. Along the way she learns about love, death, pain, relationships, the difference between right and wrong and the value of friendship. See the world through the eyes of this forthright fourth-grader as she discovers two truths about life – that it is always complicated, and always changing.
This book is currently available for order from:
About the Author
The silver lining of the Covid pandemic for Ms. Pollack was that she was more or less forced, after approximately sixty years, to finish her Jelly Bean books. It had become just about impossible to think up any more excuses to tell anyone who asked why she had not finished it yet.
She still pursues her writing career - several Jelly Bean sequels are in the works - and the only thing she loves doing more is spending time with two sons and one daughter, their spouses, and her seven wonderful grandchildren (who fortunately do not live too far away!).
Austin Macauley Publishers Website - Amy Meislin Pollack
Amazon Authors - Amy Meislin Pollack